Comments from darkcloud75

Date Story title Comment
2013-01-16 21:03:38 Prom Night_(4) Amazing just amazing, so well written great story hope you continue it same with some of your other stories
2013-01-29 09:41:28 dizzy why don't you just remove this story and repost this one again, and see if people do the same thing to it, vote it down, if you do that you know someone is doing it on purpose, you could also set it to were people have to log in to comment/vote. Just an idea for you cause i really want you to finish this story you can't leave it half finished like you did, as a writer i know its killing you leaving a story like this unfinished. Just forget about the people who don't like the story and hate it, please finish the story for the fans and people you do love the story, I have been reading this series since the beginning i was one of the first to read it and i still follow just for the story itself its interesting and i would personally love to see it finished, I have voted all your stories up every chance i get, I do comment sometimes but most of the time i just don't log in when i do. I do hope you read this and take the advise i have given.

Thank you
2014-06-03 15:23:06 Finding Love Along the Tracks Chapter 11 - Brenda's Mom (REVISED)_(0) when is the next chapter, been awhile since the last chapter
2013-10-22 11:19:21 The Story of Ann Chapter 3: How I Ruined my Life Before it even Started very good story please continue your life story
2013-10-22 21:54:12 Digimon Rise and Fall: Chapter 4: Ignorance_(1) im just going to comment for all 4 parts so far in this one to save time, love the story lines so far its interesting, as i grew up watching digimon and did prefer it over pokemon, I just have to disagree with the sora x matt thing always say sora with ty, kai and T.K. line is good so far. my question is are you going to just stay with the season 1 characters or are you also going to bring in the season 2 also, as far as the writing goes very good so far, just a few tiny grammar mistakes but nothing to bad, cant wait to see part 5