Comments from meatus_cum

Date Story title Comment
2009-11-06 17:14:45 Go Get Some Meatus found this to be the truth,
A girl' nipple taste sweet as fruith.
A penis swells hard viewing nude,
Female; male bodies, I'm not rude.

Enjoyed your poem, it's so real to life.
2009-11-08 11:55:19 Let dan vomit untill he heaves, then as Terry forces him to dry heave, were this reader present would poke some objects into his cum slit to massage his prostate to shoot ropes of cum; while terry draws blood from his buttocks whipping them with a looped corse rope, leaving splinters of hemp imbeded into his soft fleshy cheeks
2009-11-16 12:20:01 Sara's burning desire The flames ate her breasts;my cock went from flaccid to erect in seconds. Looking dwn at my erection, precum was oozing from my cum slit
2009-11-23 09:29:45 Meatus enjoyed reading about Tony being beat with the cord of wire, which cleary exposed his bleeding cuts to the cold cellar air with intense pain. The mistreatment of his nuts hopefully took away the sting of the salty piss pouring on and into his open flesh cuts.
2009-11-23 09:50:59 The Slaver Gets His Wish Chapter 3 Meatus' cock became hard reading of blood oozing from J's ass hole. Drips of my pecum began; when J was told he would not cum inside his Mistress. Rather his body lay on the cold floor; while he masturbated to be forced to eat his own cum, which had becum a mixture of his seed and Mistress' peewater. This turned my drips of precum into a roped string of my own cum.