Comments from BikeWriter

Date Story title Comment
2010-07-03 22:27:19 Adventures of a Texas Ranger Chapter One Thank you all. My Estep family kin around Coal Hill, Arkansas go back to Elijah who settled there in the early 1800s.
BikeWriter a/k/a Dick Estep
2010-07-14 03:57:22 A Book About Bikers? Chapter Three Yep, Marine! I can recite my own service number dead drunk, or under sedation, and I suppose I'll be saying it along with my name, and rank as I enter hell in the next few months or years.
2010-07-17 11:23:00 8 Years Later Great enough to be on my favorites list! Thank you.
2010-07-17 11:58:20 Raising Little Tabby Jack Thankk you, Marine!
2010-07-18 06:25:15 Biker Vets Lose a Righteous Brother Porn website? Thank you for your comment, I can accept that as being true, but I will add there are Patriots who read here, too!