Comments from LordExia

Date Story title Comment
2009-11-14 10:08:46 Unfathomable Fantasies I - Rape of Amelia and Yen Yi (Part 2) Thank you =) I did spend more time on this one. What i'm afraid is that people dun like this genre =(
2009-11-14 20:43:47 Unfathomable Fantasies I - Rape of Amelia and Yen Yi (Part 2) thanks for the nice comments. ok, i will do it in the last installment =)
2010-06-27 00:59:32 I fucked my sister_(0) Truth be told, I didn't really enjoy the story. Here are a few reasons:
1) There was an inappropriate amount of swearing. Spoils the mood.
2) There were too many unneccessary sentences, like
“Come on man, why do you have to bring my sister into this.” I answered, showing my not wanting to talk about my sister.
the second part of the sentence is pretty redundant.

Yea and the story was cliche. So you might wanna work on that.