Comments from fredbear

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-25 10:49:59 Am I Strong Enough to Say No (pt3) Advice taken. re writing whole pt 4. may take till tonight, but, in a different style and different ending than I had planned.
2013-05-25 22:03:18 Am I Strong Enough to Say No (pt3) I was thinking the same thing. Working on last one now, and maybe a way to split her off. thanks all, for both positive and negative comments. They both do help.
2013-05-25 22:48:32 Am I Strong Enough to Say No (pt3) Finished the final part, it is posted. read, give a thumbs up or down, and leave your comments. Tell me what you think. Thanks all
2013-05-26 16:43:10 Am I Strong Enough to Say No (pt4) I agree with both actually. I had intended to go another direction with the story, but changed it, with Angie. However, I did take the advice of a earlier comment and left her out of this one till the end, with a opening for her own story. I also agree, I think its too short. It didnt seem to be when I was writing it, but when I finially posted it, I saw for myself it was. For that I am sorry. However, this being my first story I have learned a great deal. Hopefully, with a full 2 weeks before I post the Angie story line, I will be much better. Thanks to all who have read it, voted on it, and commented on it too. I am Amazed at how many read it. I know other authers like Kinkybelle get into the hundered of thousands of readers, but, then again they are great. Me, I am a typical guy who has always wanted to write stories.
2013-05-27 09:04:23 Angie Pt1 Leading on? no, building up. As for stopping when I did. I did it to have a starting point for next chapter that starts off with a bang. To bad you will not read this, nor the story. But ty for your comment.