Comments from silentsadist

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-09 03:24:11 Owning a Dominant Bitch - Complete I have read this whole story, and am thoroughly satisfied. 10/10 stars for complete greatness/skill. Sharing this story with ppls :)
2012-10-22 02:26:34 Taken by wolves Would have been more interesting if they had eaten her afterwards.
2013-02-11 06:42:46 Thank you for the time and effort you so laboriously devote to writing these fantastically enrapturing tales of myth.
2013-02-11 00:58:52 Returning Chapter 02 I think these stories are awesome. I thoroughly enjoy your writing style and plot line. 95/100 for me, -5 because of spelling errors but I mean come on, who cares about spelling when what you write is good enough to make up for it?
2013-02-11 08:05:19 I read all these stories in one night. It is now 5am on a Monday. DAMN YOU! I will forgive you if you keep the up the quality. I would rather wait for a well done job than a rushed one.