Comments from ELaken-Palmer

Date Story title Comment
2010-08-05 15:12:03 Contest entry: Bonds of youth I know I commented on this story when it first became validated. I was sure that I had voted on it but don't see my name. I made sure I gave it my "positive" today.
-Emerson Laken-Palmer
2010-08-05 15:38:14 Great, hot story! Told from the girl's point of view. Very good!
-Emerson Laken-Palmer
2010-08-05 21:20:45 The Red Fang Ch 3 Pt 1 Another very well written chapter in the saga. I am so glad that I found it here. I wasn't expecting it. A superior piece of writing!
-Emerson laken-Palmer
2010-08-12 21:50:52 A series of co-incidences part 4 Just utterly fantastic! I just love these two people and wish them every happiness. I hope they live happily together and have some lovely children.
2010-08-12 21:51:48 Harry Potter And The Asses Of Fire Very funny stuff! I loved it!