Comments from wirepaladin
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-03-06 03:21:26 | Stolen or not, I'm glad you posted it, as the father of four children I've sucked a lot of lactating breast. I enjoyed the story but, you might want to know it's not milk he's tasting, it's colostrum. Milk doesn't come until about a week after the baby begins to nurse. And colostrum is not thin. Colostrum is thick and sticky, and creamy yellow to orange in color. It is low in fat and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies. |
2011-03-16 11:38:54 | Johnny's long wait | Reader of 2/27 A little tincture of opium rubbed on the gums; the little bugger's down for the count. I couldn't have a squalling crumb cruncher interrupting them, now could I? |
2011-04-02 07:38:21 | I'm not usually a fan of fantasy but this story's hot. I've only read this one chapter, think I'll try the rest. By the way you were reading your story while you were signed in. The ? replace the "xxx" when you're signed in. Sign out and read it, punctuation will be correct. Keep writing, good stuff. |
2011-04-13 22:03:43 | Paladin, Paladin Where Do You Roam | A/R 4/12/11, 14:46:42-I showed you mine, show me yours. WP A/R 4/12/11 I deserve your criticism, I can't spell worth a damned and MS word is not the best to write on, it's no better than me. WP |
2011-04-13 22:17:49 | Paladin, Paladin Where Do You Roam | A/R 4/12/11, 14:46:42-I showed you mine, show me yours. WP A/R 4/12/11 I deserve your criticism, I can't spell worth a damned and MS word is not the best to write on, it's no better than me. WP |