Comments from tipi
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-12-14 19:35:07 | Christmas Break Part1 | I like your story as this also happened to my girl friend first and later my cousin. I got to watch later after they told me about my dog pinning them. I t was so damn hot watching. These idiots here that comment don't know anything about happenings because they live in a closet. Anyway, my dog pinned my girlfriend when she dropped her cell phone before going to the shower to answer it and it went under the bed after I filled her full of cum. She got on her knees to retrieve it , with her butt in the air, her head under the bed when the dog sniffed her pussy , jumped on her back and found her spot and started fucking her before she could scream. Scream she did and cussed. YES he growled at her too. Scared the hell out of her and shocked the hell out of me. He growled at me too as I went to get him off of her. He has some teeth. I paused and watched him fuck her hard so I told her to let him cum and he's done. She started to like it, they both came, I fucked her after, it was hot. |
2012-12-17 11:06:02 | Big Surprise_(0) | Absolutely love your story. My wife has always wanted me secretly to do that for her as she just told me. I am more then willing to to that for her too. More then once as long as it turns her on as then it will turn me on turning her on. I know I will enjoy doing it in her presents as I always do. Can't wait. |
2013-01-02 13:15:13 | My mother, my lover | Absolutely a great, lovely story in your own words as natural, honest, nervous words but so very true as your thoughts, ideas, were expressed so naturally from the heart thru, your eyes as only you can say. PERFECT, I applaud you highly. TO HELL with the so called CRITICS as they are stuck in the society thing but they still can't express them selves as well as you have. They are just jealous as hell and stuck in a book pattern. You are a free spirit and you know how to express, thoughts,ideas, as naturally and true as they come and as they are. How you relayed your thoughts as they unfolded is the BEST I HAVE EVER READ. Please write more. You have a hidden talent for expression. Sexually speaking ,,,, It's a perfect way to be introduced to sex buy someone that raised and loves you. I believe all children should be taught, guided in the art of sexuality, tender, caring and understanding with love and respect in all areas of sex, agreed by all even the parents. SEX is an a |
2013-01-02 13:24:29 | My mother, my lover | Back again as I got cut off,,,,,,, I wanted to say that, and end my statement that SEX IS AN ART,,,,, MAKING LOVE IS AN ART. Something that most people don't understand. Women seem to understand that far more then men. Again I applaud you ,,,,,,, and your mother for sure. Good going. |
2013-01-20 15:30:56 | Desert Memories | Love that. I would loved to have been there even just to watch. That is so hot and sexy. |