Comments from oldsoldier52

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-02 11:37:39 Bait and Switch Ch. 19 I guess the reply about leaving the country answers a LOT of questions. Hopefully you'll only be gone about a year, and can return with new stories following. At least when I do that thing my personal hard-drive isn't subject to search. Be careful, be safe. Semper Fi.
2012-01-04 08:34:00 Bait and Switch Ch. 20 Beautifully done! Perfect set-up for a real kick-ass finale, a couple of great plot twists, clearly setting up for something big at the end. Can't wait to read that last chapter, and will be waiting impatiently for the next series when you get back.
2012-04-02 02:35:28 Jail Bait Better than many on here from people for whom English is their primary language. I agree that there are some issues, but you can work on them. Spell out your words, this isn't cell phone texting and few like to read that, especially in an erotic story. Make sure you keep names straight. Work on your paragraphs and especially conversation and quotation. Overall pretty good. Give us an improved chapter 2, show some progress and you may well make a good writer. Read some of the really great writers on here to see how it's done. eljs, darkbrother, fbailey, etc. What's most important, if you want to be accepted is to keep getting better.
2012-05-31 12:10:40 Roses are red_(2) Absolutely amazing. You're correct about the original Little Red story. All our "Fairy Tales" were first intended as cautionary tales about the hazards of the real world, and were VERY dark. I always look froward to your stories, as they go places few of us dare.
2012-06-17 23:47:02 Michelle Part 6 Punishment Okay, what part of "bisexual" did you not understand? I warned my readers some time back that this series was taking some directions I didn't expect, and was upfront with what was coming in this episode. If your sexuality bothers you, I'd suggest therapy. If you were really "fans" you'd be logged in.

'nuff said.