2013-05-21 20:25:51 |
The Ten of Them. Chapter 27
Once again was a pleasure to contribute hard93, look foward to many more chapters of this story. |
2013-05-23 19:28:28 |
Twin Japanese Nieces PT20_(0)
I still do not understand why you made your daughter sleep in her own room and you moved Saki into yours and kayaktos room talk about favortism, I feel sorry for Erin, i really do. |
2013-05-29 21:40:40 |
Twin Japanese Nieces Pt21_(0)
so basically you and kaytoy both played favorites with Saki over erin then your OWN daughter. I do hope you tell abit more about erin in a serpeate story you favor Saki way to much I still doubt your Love for Erin. |
2013-05-31 16:08:14 |
My Pretty Little Slaves – Chapter 19 – Mira's Assimilation into the Family and Family Reunions
Ha ha how is Kidnapping innocent people, druggin them, forcing them into Sex ( basically rape), breeding them Protecting his family. They were NO threat. Phillip was NOT them. he is a Unmoralistic Child raping Monster. Would love to see HOW yu turn that around to show a GOOD side /laugh |
2013-06-02 10:48:45 |
Twin Japanese Nieces Pt22_(0)
Just sent a pm with constructive questions. Would love to hear a reply. |