Comments from Magisex21
Date | Story title | Comment |
2010-07-14 07:20:19 | Ben 10 and the New Alien chapter 1 | To those so concerned about the cussing being unrealistic, I had sex with a couple of girls when I was 11 and we cussed quite a bit then, even used the words 'cunt' and 'cock'.At least, we did while we were fucking. By the way, patlaborvi, How did you know I had posted below? that was posted anonymously, and, i think before I even had a profile. Yes, READER 2010-07-02 02:38:51 was me. |
2010-07-14 07:54:52 | The Cherry Popper Chaoter 1 | For those who think this is a Brady Bunch story; read it again. Cindy Brady is Blonde, this Cindy is a redhead. |
2010-07-14 17:55:33 | Horny loving brother chapter 1 | READER 2009-11-04 01:24:21 @Susan38HH Your babies would be deformed, incest children are almost never perfectly healthy. Actually, 1st generation incest is hardly more likely to produce birth defects than partners who are unrelated. The risk is actually greater because of youth than because of blood relation. However, the risk of inbred birth defects increases with each generation the practice is continued. On the other hand, this is a fantasy, so the author can pretty much do what he wants. Good job, pat. Can't wait to see your newest story, if you're still posting here. Maybe another Ben10 series? I've read both already and i'm hoping you still have ideas in that direction, or at least in the same genre. Sci-Fi is my favorite |
2010-07-14 18:34:52 | Horny loving brother chapter 2 | READER 2007-06-28 09:45:10 Read the tags next time and you can avoid getting sick. Also, this is Fiction, about fictional characters and so is perfectly legal. If it wasn't, the authorities would have shut this site down years ago.So if you don't like the subject matter, don't read the story. There are plenty of Adult stories that do not include underage or incest sex. For example, If you're a Doctor Who fan, try Doctor Who - The Eleventh Doctor - Sex Pollen, by hassett fuka. |