Comments from Talesofted

Date Story title Comment
2011-12-09 23:58:10 Experimenting with my friend Yea bud please do, I did enjoy this story just wish it had been longer.
2011-12-10 00:14:45 Uncle G takes me Gets my vote bud, Please continue
2011-12-29 05:56:29 My Younger Brother's Friend Part 1 Worked for me bud I let go some fresh Scottish cream in to my hand, Now I am off to read part 2
Keep it up
2011-12-29 06:05:14 My Younger Brother's Friend Part 2 Yea that worked too, will your brother get involved next time?
2011-12-29 06:37:38 My Hot Dorm Mate Drove Me To It ! Good story, I love sucking off sleeping mates.