2010-09-09 13:54:45 |
To the reader who said this was not a god story but love the ones in the comments... i am glad you enjoyed those because this was one i wrote as a prank but it is my best... so hope you enjoy the other stuff i have posted more... i will have more that should be more of your type.... posting soon.... keep up the stories fans .... i am glad i could bring out your inner writer!!! |
2010-09-18 16:40:08 |
luv it but a bit 2 short.....more please!!! |
2011-03-31 05:58:42 |
to my readers... i had my adopting my wife series and i do not understand who and why reported it. i will soon try to repost the series one by on on either a weekly or fortnightly basis. keep enjoying my stories more sex, lust and drama to cum!!! |
2011-06-13 17:45:10 |
to the reader below ...... summer ...... please inbox me lets chat ....rhd |
2011-06-28 06:47:16 |
My Mother Taught Me
To the reader below ..... I have never or nor would I ever plagiarize someone eases piece. i came up with most of my stories since 2009 and only joined this site 2010. I am not posting any new stories because I posted all my old ORIGINAL pieces and I must write new stories. Plagiarism is wrong and I would not condone such a thing. RHD .... all stories written frm my sick demented brain since 2009. |