Comments from undercoverman1

Date Story title Comment
2010-08-03 01:06:55 I'm hot for my older sister 3 Look under "INCEST" for parts one and two. Part 4 has been submitted and will be posted in a day or two.
2010-08-05 10:07:00 Let me bite your tits You anonymous critics are assholes- I was telling that joke LONG before that movie came out. I didn't make it up, but I can't remember where I heard it. And are you guys so stupid you think every joke on here is an original? We all heard them somewhere, just passing them along for your amusement.....
2010-08-19 01:01:35 Mommy's hidden lust I saw that story in a comic. Are any of your stories original or do you just take others' ideas and expand on them?