Comments from readyharry

Date Story title Comment
2010-10-27 23:23:09 Injured Cousin Very well written. Erotic and romantic at the same time and that is not easily done.
2010-10-27 23:24:37 Injured Cousin It appears my earlier comment didn't post and I had to let you know how much I enjoyed this story. Erotic and romantic at the same time and that's not easily done.
2010-11-07 12:55:19 Amish Incest Pennsylvania I would encourage you to continue writing but I agree with one of these posts. How did you react? Was this something you wanted or didn't want. Was this your first time. You need to add details and work on the verbage so it's understandable to the average reader. Keep trying.
2010-11-07 12:58:18 Amish Incest Pennsylvania Apparently my first post didn't show up. I would encourage you to read your stories after you write them. As stated by one of the others, there is not enough detail and you need to be sure the English is readable to the average bloke like some of these blowhards here. What was your reaction? Ages? Was this your first time? Was it really rape or did you want it to happen? Did your father take your virginity or was it taken here? Give more detail.
2010-11-21 14:55:22 Alice and Toms holiday Good start Rider. Hope you continjue. It would be nice to see him set her up to be fucked by a few guys.