Comments from fireengine8

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-27 03:52:02 Gaby and the Tutor (Chap 5) My complaint - 4,000 reads and only 53 votes. That is only ONE PERCENT voting and obviously some are Negative.

This is why Authors stop writing.
2015-03-10 12:06:22 Emma and Mom (Chap 5) For my fans: I noted that most of the Strawberry series disappeared over the past week.
It will be updated and reposted some time this summer.
2015-03-06 03:34:36 The Academy_(0) Proof reading will help for next time
2015-03-06 03:39:26 Emma and her Mom, (Chap 4) Ok Team - if you want more - vote Positive and lets get it at least 98%.
2015-03-06 13:52:22 Emma and her Mom, (Chap 4) NOTE: Comments are not locked - you just have to be Logged-In.