Comments from fireengine8

Date Story title Comment
2010-11-22 15:10:14 Good story. (Needs some spelling/grammar attention. Try shorter para for readability)

For the 10 - 15 age group, see my posts.
2010-11-29 12:50:48 from fireengine8

New Series - meet Samantha - 10 yr old.
cuming soon.
2010-12-01 11:44:30 From Author.

Posted Chap 4 , 5 , 6, on Dec 1.
waiting validation.
2011-01-09 08:28:31 For Anonymous 01/02/11:

I hope you enjoy the twins in Chapter 10. Six years old.

Let us know.
2011-01-09 08:33:53 Quigley - reading your series on my Blackberry. Sure makes work go by faster (ha ha)

Take a look at my stories.
