Comments from dreaddies

Date Story title Comment
2012-12-14 03:24:15 Strangers on a Train part 1 Thanks for the kind words. I just re-read it and I have to apologize for the handful of spelling errors and type-o's. I pretty much wrote this story stream of conscious in one sitting, my only editor spellcheck.

Next time I have a free afternoon I'll try and bang out the next one.
2012-12-14 19:10:57 Strangers on a Train part 1 True, I misused that word. There are also several other errors in word usage and tense. And at points I repeated phrases. You live and you learn.
2012-12-15 02:21:04 Strangers on a Train part 1 haha... thanks man (or woman). honestly, the last comment was meant to be somewhat facetious. I mean, I published I don't' know how many words in this story, and someone feels the need to point out one?.... I know there are some mistakes, I just hope people enjoy this and get off to it. Writers write. Editors fix the mistakes.