Comments from John P. Dofyle

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-26 05:48:43 My Favorite Niece Great premise! But I gave up reading halfway through because it was so poorly written! Try again!
2015-04-02 00:01:23 Grandpa's Milk- Chapter 10 OOps! Sorry for the editing error. The last paragraph got misplaced- it belongs earlier in the story... :(
2015-04-03 05:04:59 Grandpa's Milk- Chapter 10 Look for the tag "anal" if you want anal stories... jus' sayin'...
2015-04-03 05:12:12 Grandpa's Milk- Chapter 4 Who said they were underage? I don't mention any ages except Grandpa's!

hairlesscock- Thanks for the input. I agree, i'm a little too sparse with the details. I'll try harder (pun intended!).
2015-04-10 04:49:24 The opening, pt 1 Excellent descriptive writing! Keep up the good work. (Note: There is a difference between "secret" and "secrete" )