Comments from okieblueyes

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-06 16:19:26 First time. (Drunk with mom) I like the concept you have a lot of different directions you can go with this story line. Keep writing and work on your skills. No matter how well you write someone on here will point out your errors and they are almost always Anonymous
2013-03-08 11:35:04 My daughter Annie2 Another very well done chapter . To bad the idiots have to keep screwing up the comments
2013-03-08 11:55:29 My daughter Annie3 as983, this is one of the finest stories I have read in a very long time . Thanks for sharing it with us and keep up the good work
2013-03-11 09:16:01 Another very well done story PureFiction . Thanks for sharing with us
2013-03-11 14:04:28 Aaron's New Stepsister, Part 1 of 3 Good start , looking forward to yhe rest