Comments from GingerCat

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-04 11:21:46 Harry potter unfinished re-write That is a good point. Ron is not a cheater. He loves Hermione with ever fibre of his being.
2012-07-04 12:37:56 Harry potter unfinished re-write That is true. Even in the final battle when he did not know where Ron and Hermione were he spent most of the time worrying about where they were. He could barely function when he did not have Ron and Hermione by his side. I do believe Harry loves Ginny but he would need Ron and Hermione as well (just not sexually).
2012-07-04 13:31:59 Harry potter unfinished re-write Without Ron Harry would have led a miserable existance as one of the reasons Hermione loves Ron is that only he can make her relax and have a good time and i suspect that is also one of the reasons Harry likes Ron as Ron can stop Harry taking things quite so seriously and can make Harry enjoy himself. Of course Ron is a really talented wizard on his own but for Hermione and Harry what they most value with Ron is his ability to make them feel better and happier.
2012-08-05 02:37:56 Harry Potter: As One War Ends Another Begins Part 9 Nice. Its strange that Ginny feels so comfortable being naked in front of Ron but i am certainly not complaining.
2012-10-04 00:52:30 Harry Potter: As One War Ends Another Begins Part 11 Need more Ron and Hermione as their sex life would be even better than Harry's and Ginny's. In saying that though i certainly enjoyed reading this chapter.