Comments from WebCam
Date | Story title | Comment |
2010-12-18 19:31:15 | Help! - Part 7 | Although this is not the end of this story series, this will be the last part which i will post on this website. This is because of the apparent lack of interest. I'm sorry if you were one of the people who actually were interested in the story, but i feel unmotivated to keep posting the parts. If you wish to continue reading, the whole story is available at agaysex dot com. Thank you. |
2010-12-19 16:50:01 | Help! - Part 7 | Thank you very much for your kind comment. If you click on the authors section which you will find a link for on the homepage. Look for my name (Web Cam), it's on the first page. You will find all of my stories there :). I'm genuinely sorry about not posting the rest on this site but I just don't feel like it's going down as well as it did on the other website. I may post the rest at some point but i don't know. |
2011-01-20 22:17:57 | Help! - Part 7 | After re-reading the comments posted on parts of this series, i have decided that i am going to post the rest of the story on this site. :). Rather than posting the rest of the parts individually i am going to post the whole story at once. I hope you enjoy reading it - it's quite long though haha. |
2011-04-18 20:08:59 | Help! - The full story. | Thank you everyone for your kind comments. :) It means alot to get good reviews after spending so long writing it. I appreciate that it's quite long though haha, that's because it was originally posted on a different websites in 14 different parts. I'm glad if you liked it. :D Thanks again for your comments. |
2011-06-27 22:18:19 | Help! - The full story. | Thank you all sooooo much for your massively kind comments on this story! It genuinely does mean a heck of a lot to hear that you all enjoyed what I wrote. Thank you for reading, thank you for rating and thank you very very much indeed for being so kind to leave these amazing comments! I love you all. :) WebCam X.x. |