Comments from arealgasm

Date Story title Comment
2010-12-18 10:37:37 My First Time-Age 16 Megan:
A wonderful story with a nice pace to the plot, and very real in the feel of emotions. Some of the dialogue was a little stilted and there were a few minor errors in grammar, but the hardon it gave me more trhan made up for it. Very believable. What happened to Brandy while all this was going on? You should write more. I love true stories from the female perspective. Brava!
2011-01-10 00:48:37 My College Years - Part 1 An outstanding effort. I loved the descriptive narative enhanced by believable dialogue. Segues in plot were efficient. I liked the real feel to the story.Most of all it made me hard as a rock. So much better than much of the drivel posted here. Keep writing!
2011-02-02 04:37:34 Young girl plays nurse for elderly man Fun story, but try editinging it for punctuation and use of pluralization. But I got the gist and it made me hard. Thanks.
2011-02-02 04:51:16 It Could Really Be That Good? I dated a woman years ago who said when shed owned a big dog he would lick her to orgasm better than any man. She never let the dog fuck her though. As I fucked her once, I asked if she would like me to find her a dog for a threesome and she squirted cum everywhere. Never happened but glad you got your fantasies played out. Keep writing.
2011-02-02 05:01:53 Mums Friend Fun tease of a story. I enjoyed the realism..