Comments from Mrpleasure

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-29 00:52:58 Breaking Brooke Great series I got a idea for your next story you can have the daughters and the mothers have a get together then the daughters flirt with the moms and they all start going at it then daddy comes and it gets interesting
2011-11-28 00:35:46 GOTHIC AMY AND ME ALTERNATE ENDING You are a fucking awesome person for making these story's I am so happy that you made this one cause they deserved a happy ending I still feel bad for lillith tho but o well great job I would totally buy the book
2011-11-28 00:50:54 Only A Gothic Sisters Love Chapter 2 Part A Holy Fuck enough you grammar Nazis this was a great story no one really gives a shit if he puts where instead of were oh well
2012-05-19 13:31:56 THG-Glimmer&Katniss-Day1 This was amazing please write more who cares for speelig mistakes no body's perfect