Comments from anonymous efamite

Date Story title Comment
2011-01-05 06:46:59 thanks coments noted and i realise my spelling isent the best thanks
2011-01-30 06:50:07 i agre unless hes onley blasting 1 or 2 streams of cum it dosent make sence that he is gonna cum time after time after time for his age when he hits about 16 he might beable to make moor cum its just the age its a good story i really liked it he just cums alittle too much (and try describeing the femail orgasm) his balls just arnt big enough at 13 to make that much seed to explain it try giveing him bigger balls might make it better (not saying anything bad just trying to help
2011-02-15 19:48:20 understand what it means to be a bi-sexual male: chatper 1 was good way to start it not much bi moor just gay but thats ok for first one i got the messege and is really good for first story dont let the other jackass who left a coment and not even loged in tell you otherwise i rate it up it is great start i shuld know as a bisexual kid who the onley persion who knows is his girlfriend
2011-02-17 04:29:24 understand what it means to be a bi-sexual male: chatper 3 i understand the beatings everyone who reads about them and sees them is one thing but expirenceing it first hand is another entireley i wasent prosecuted for being bi noone has found out but i was for being diffrent and nothing can bring back the fealing of safety that you feal before it religion is the worst thing in any case of sexualety streight bi or gay its all wrong so just say fuck religion and choose for yourself keep writeing its a great story and if someone says its badley written your right much worse on this sight and if they want to trash talk a sorty not even loged in then there even worse so dont let anyone get you down
2011-02-18 01:54:58 Alternative Reality chapter 2 good story your getting better with every one englesh isent your first language is it? its np if it is lol my storys arnt easey to read yours are great cant wate for the next one of bolth of them lol somehow dont think there antibiotics lol its a good sory and writen good