Comments from bitch beater

Date Story title Comment
2011-01-13 12:14:26 Breaking in Bonnie who ever you are that posted 13 of the same comment "nice start, on to part 2". YOU have got to be the most stupid idiot ever. if i could block you from my stories i would. dumb ass!!!!
2011-01-20 00:07:06 Breaking in Bonnie yeah jerkoff, im dead the whole time asshole. your so stupid you can even figure out how to post without doing it twice like the other idiots that do it too.
2011-01-20 00:17:45 Letter ffrom a Daemon got my cock hard. your my hero. lets have more.
2011-01-25 01:28:57 awesome story brother. keep em cummin....
2011-01-29 12:59:01 My Little Neighbor Cathy boring story. children don't tell there molesters how to touch them. no child has ever said to me " touch me here, touch me there". it doesn't happen. there scared and just want it to be over with.