Comments from ahorsewithnoname

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-10 20:02:18 There is no part three because the girl featured in the story left this website.
2012-05-31 09:21:36 Just letting the fun begin :)
2012-08-10 19:22:14 SEX FORMULA 69 That was a riot! Cool story Jack. Love the last line of the Postscript!
2012-10-05 14:02:11 Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion, including an anonymous asshole like yourself, dude.
2012-10-06 15:46:08 What's funny about the comment below is that it's from some ignorant dink who spends his/her time at a porn site and wants to suggest that I live with my Mom. Hey dink? Try using proper punctuation, capitalization and spacing when trying to rank on someone and maybe others will find you funny instead of pathetic. Oh, wait, I get yourself live at home. You're fat, pimply, and the only pussy you've touched is your Mom's, on the way out of it. All makes sense now. Let's see you string together one coherent paragraph, let alone 10,000 words, and see what kind of ranking you get here, punk ass!