Comments from mtnguy70

Date Story title Comment
2011-02-17 02:20:23 Adam, Jason, and I Nice story, but too many commas, and they weren't usually in the correct places. Work on that and other technical details, and you'll do well. The people before me expressed my other thoughts. Thanks for enough imaginative input to get me hard though! :)
2011-02-17 02:38:40 Adam, Jason, and I chpt.2 Better written than the first one, but still needs work on spelling and grammar. Great story, however, and I like the introduction of Geoffrey even though he sounds like a prick.
2011-02-24 10:19:50 Can you show me how Great story! And, I'm one of those who was able to and frequently did cum at age 11, and in fact also had my 6-1/2" adult-size hardon around 11.25 years old. The 6 other boys I shared a room with at camp at that time (all my same age or thereabouts) were as developed as me, too...I know because there was a community shower, and we went on an overnight boat "trip" across the lake with our counselor and went skinny dipping.
2011-03-01 19:39:49 Gym Glory Pt. 2 How can you have -too many votes for today-? Huh? Crazy! Anyway, great storytelling, keep it up!
2011-03-01 20:00:20 Gym Glory Pt 4 Yes, please do continue to write about these guys!