Comments from reallylonelyguy
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-03-10 05:28:24 | A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4 | Dear P.O.I., thank you for this chapter. I have avaited it with great anticipation. This was the chapter where i could find my peace with the plot. The Jenna string is much more realistic and understandable now. The other characters are slowly beginning to understand, that only through true selfless acts towards Guy can they "redeem" themselves. Also liked the erotic scene in the end, i could even have enjoyed the chapter without it. I still have my light dislikes towards Guys soft side. I just can´t help it. It takes major strenght of character being able to forgive something this cruel. I could not do it. Yet i am beginning to understend that there might be people on this planet who still can.... I shall avait the further unfolding of the story with great interest. Wishing you all the best. Yours sincerely, reallylonelyguy |
2016-07-04 04:50:40 | A New Day, The Other Me chapter 7 | Dear P.O.I., you must have a really beautiful mind. It unfortunately confuses the hell out of my not so beautiful mind. You begin topics that i really like and would like to see developing further. Yet when things would get interesting, you drop them topics instead like hot coal and begin a totally new string, just to drop that also a very short time later. Newest examples are the dean and the coach. I really would have liked to read about them getting what they paid for. DENIED. |