Comments from blondeallover

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-28 12:53:08 Will's new old home: Part 13 Sometimes I wish I had grown up in "the little town". Are the days numbered for the bitch Rachel? So THAT 'S what "the Farm" was used for. How will psycho Sam strike again? Is Amy Lewis finally out of the clutches of the Rev? GR8 episode! Many more to cum, fer sure. I will message u.
2011-05-04 17:40:02 Dreams Without Guilt or Shame: the CHALLENGE To the commenter below: I checked with the writer who issued this challenge. First person female, although it conforms to the criteria, is not a specific criterion of the competition.

Yes, this is muti-thematic, but "bisexual" as a theme raises anticipation of varied scenarios. Many thanks, though.
2011-05-10 13:07:07 Will's new old home ending: Part 1 Something tells me something really momentous is going to happen between Pierce and Haley. Will the Rev. prevail now that his allies are reduced in number? ~~ still sitting at the edge of our seats.
2011-05-14 13:40:28 Will's new old home: ENDING CONGRATULATIONS on an outstanding series. You kept us all in amazing suspense at the end of each chapter. I like the way you tied together events from your previous series.

I will start 2 series this summer that will reference characters from these series. Keep posted.
2011-05-16 14:26:35 Dreams Without Guilt or Shame: the CHALLENGE To onehandedtypist below. I am sorry if my naming criteria distracted from the quality of the story. Readers feel free to instruct me on this point of fiction writing.

Perhaps there should have been a criterion for the length of entries. There was none. The muses inform me on quantity of content. I write no less or more. I respect that of all writers. Under other circumstances, I might have serialized here, but the criteria specified "a" story.