Comments from SilverRat

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-15 11:45:27 Kat and Old Man I liked it. The speach impediment was slightly difficult to read, but it added a depth of difficulties to Kat's life and background that didn't need to be explained in a short story.
2011-06-14 00:38:49 Owning a Dominant Bitch - Complete I couldn't stop reading it - wonderful story, thanks for all your efforts to bring it to us! Well done.
2011-07-04 09:07:12 wifes friend Nice story, interesting and exciting, but a little 'choppy'. Very 'stream of consciousness', I would suggest slowing it down a bit, rereading what you've written ten minutes after you have typed it so you can approve or improve how your sentences stand alone--and work together.
2011-07-11 10:10:18 Internet Classified Chronicles (part 1) Awesome story! Very well written and HOT - HOT - HOT!!!
I like the way the internal conflicts/guilt is overcome then returns anew, very realistic.
Thanks for sharing it, now I have to go read the rest of your stories!