Comments from BiBiLady

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-18 17:45:14 Realising Im a Lesbian. Sorry about the Repost. im new here, and didnt realise :P Tell me if youd like me to continue to the sex scenes?
2011-03-18 19:04:44 Realising Im a Lesbian. Part 2 is up now :)
(the end is partially a cliff hanger, and this is my first story. thank you for reading tho)
2011-03-18 21:20:19 Realising Im (A) Lesbian - Part Four - Interuptions and Intimacy i accidently wrote Part Four instead of Three.
but yes this is Part THREE/3 NOT FOUR/4 :)
2011-03-18 22:00:54 Realising Im (A) Lesbian - Part Four - Interuptions and Intimacy Thanks for your Comments. and im working on it :O)
2011-03-19 17:31:06 Realising Im (A) Lesbian - Part Four - Interuptions and Intimacy Thank you all for your comments.
im currrently working on the next part.
and to the annonymous reader that dont know if there a Bi or lesbian.
dont fret, just take a grip on the fact that you could be, dont stop yourself from feeling what you feel. the only way youll know is if you let you be you. and not try to be someone else. Thank you! (Also. in the next part, it will explain why these parts of the story have been so short. Thank you Again)