2011-04-28 23:05:52 |
Really good reading. I loved your word play and the story was arousing. |
2011-05-07 11:03:58 |
This definitely needs a part two. Really good read. |
2011-05-12 15:38:15 |
Christmas With The Family Chapter 3 and Final
The story was wrote in sections over several months and because of it I had lost some of the story and had to re-write. My only excuse was forgeting the characters name in re-write. I was afraid I had done that but thought I caught them all.I will try to get it fixed. And thanks for pointing it out. |
2011-05-18 01:48:32 |
An incest birthday chapter 15
Glad to see you back. You have become my favorite writer on this site and I really enjoy the situations you are putting your characters in. Even with the notorious dream sequence from a while back. I started it and thought the same thing most did that it was bad writing but I was curious enough to hear you out and see where you took it. After reading it, I understood why you did it. It was mixing things up a little bit and giving some action to dad if only for a hypothetical moment. Great work. I look forward to reading much more of the story. |
2011-06-08 14:45:35 |
Redeeming Mom
It's a story. Use your imagination numb nuts. Are people really going to believe the story of an abusive alcoholic when there is proof of his abuse and nothing to back up his claim. Especially when a guys ego has been shattered like that, he probably isn't going to draw more attention to himself. Besides, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the story isn't about Chucks potential exposure of the relationship. It was about a mother and son finally breaking free from an abusive situation. My appologies if you seemed to have missed that point. |