Comments from r51093

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-30 23:20:34 Dirty Little Love Secret_(1) LOVED IT =D plz continue to write more
2012-11-11 11:28:11 Grandpa and the twins good story tho short and i feel like most of your stories you could have been made into a series.
2012-11-11 11:32:31 I get Dad after he is done with Mom‏ another good but again short and could of been made into a full blown series
2013-01-03 18:57:57 Someone Save Me: Pt. 4 I have never sayed this about a story before on this site but wow I am absolutely astounded by this story it is not just about the sex, it has kept me guessing and eager to find out exactly what is going to happen next I am very much intrigued by your stories and can't wait for the next chapter I hope it comes soon I easily give this series a 5/5 and highly recommend you keep writing you are truly good at it.
2013-01-03 19:24:09 Introduction to Pain Well uh it's definitely different, but short poorly detailed and frankly just reminded me of a hooker on one of her jobs and that's all im personally more of a sadist and this story well it didn't even get me semi-erect keep trying tho and please add more details