Comments from Lolitalover46

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-07 22:02:10 Les & Bob Part 4 Wild ride it just gets better. Would love be the one giving the baths to the kids. 0please keep the story going the boys and girl need more lessons on how to enjoy sex with the adults and each other. Likeemyoung.!!!
2011-05-10 00:49:47 Little Cathy, Part 2 This is getting better. You need to wrie more about teaching her and some of her little friends to be your sex toys sex with 6 to 12 yo is the best age for training and enjoyment. Likeemyoung!!!
2011-05-10 06:26:04 Little Cathy 3: The Trip to the Water Park Keep this story going. It could use a little more sex and another friend or two. Maybe cathy and jessica can discover the joys of each others bodies. Likeemyoung!!!
2011-05-10 06:51:54 Little Cathy Part 4 let me know what other site you plan to use to continue this story. Love it to much not to see what ha
2011-05-10 06:54:13 Little Cathy Part 4 let me know what other site you plan to use to continue this story. Love it to much not to see what happens at