Comments from buttfukka666

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-09 18:30:28 ARE WE TEACHING THE CHILDREN - OR ARE THEY TEACHING US? - PART 1 To audribabygurl99!
Thank you so much for your PM, it's nice to know my stories have a positive effect.
I wanted to reply to your PM, but you are only registered as a guest, which means you can PM me, but I cannot reply to you.
If you choose to upgrade your registration please PM me again!
2014-07-21 10:05:46 I CAN'T RESIST MY NEIGHBOR, OR HER TEENAGE GIRLS! To the post below, if the moderators have rescinded the underage restriction I would be delighted, as I've been told it has been increased again to 18.
I have just posted Part 2 (of 5) and you may wish to review my opening comments for a more detailed summary of my feelings!
If you have information re rescinding please post again, as I would appreciate this information.
As you say, what the hell is going on and why are we being treated with this level of, dare I say, arrogance.
Several of my stories were removed, and I have no interest in rewriting them if they are going to keep changing the ground rules.