Comments from Impax

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-19 20:39:01 The Collar 2 Wow, you guys are picky. I'm just trying to write an interesting fantasy and you're dissecting it like Tolkien. Okay.
I did the bum thing because otherwise the invention is pure evil, and there really isn't any hope for the species. The potential for good has to outweigh for its potential misuse if I don't want Brian to become evil, right?
I don't think all women are sluts; I don't think all women can become sluts, nor should they. I just like fantasizing about corrupting them.
2013-05-19 20:41:23 The Collar 2 Oops.
That being said, Brian isn't perfect. I like the idea of unintended consequences, and things could snowball and backfire in a huge way if he's not careful. Or me, whatever.
2014-05-23 01:09:29 Inheritance It's a fantasy written by a man. For other men. Good call gymgirl.
2013-07-11 02:12:47 Big Little Brother 2 (the re-write) I'd like to be writing more, but my laptop got a virus and it's being stubborn. I think I have to find another copy of Windows and re-install it.
2013-07-28 13:35:13 step daughter's help_(1) Blank lines between paragraphs, please. Too hard to read like this, so I cannot really comment on the story until...