Comments from BlueNinja

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-05 23:13:44 Hitting The Showers Part 2 And obviously you are a bit too for reading this story given it's tags. That stuff's unneccessary here, and pointless.
2012-01-16 08:18:08 First glory hole experience_(0) Hot story bro! Short and sweet!
2012-03-20 06:27:24 Best Clean Up Ever I loved the story, you could've taken it a bit slower though, build it up a bit more. Was this true? Very, very hot.
2012-03-20 06:34:38 Best Clean Up Ever! Pt 2 Again, good story, could have been better executed though. Slow it down, write a draft even and add to it later before posting, it just fills it up more and makes for a better read. But still, I really enjoyed this. Thanks.
2012-04-03 04:08:06 Summer with Daniel I'm surprised people this young are even on this site, lol. Good story bro! And yes guys, I'm keen to chat.