Comments from IamAsexualBeing

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-11 18:59:03 All because of one F'n party: I'm Masters new Pet it's actually going to take a little while longer. I've had some things come up and I've not had many times to write but I will finish it as soon as possible and post it here for you guys!
2011-09-03 14:51:19 All because of one F'n party: I'm Masters new Pet First of all, I want to tell all of you that have been waiting that I am sincerely sorry. Yes I had planned to have it up as soon as I possibly could but it didn't turn out that way since my computer took a crap on me and stopped working. Right now I'm telling you this from a friends computer because mine is being fixed. SO! I'm not going to promise you a date that it will be done, but I really do hope that you don't give up on me! :( I'm trying my best to finish the story and I really want to please you all so I hope that you can just have patience for a while and not get all pissed off at me. But as always, thank you for reading. And I'm trying my best to get it finished...
2011-09-03 14:51:26 All because of one F'n party: I'm Masters new Pet First of all, I want to tell all of you that have been waiting that I am sincerely sorry. Yes I had planned to have it up as soon as I possibly could but it didn't turn out that way since my computer took a crap on me and stopped working. Right now I'm telling you this from a friends computer because mine is being fixed. SO! I'm not going to promise you a date that it will be done, but I really do hope that you don't give up on me! :( I'm trying my best to finish the story and I really want to please you all so I hope that you can just have patience for a while and not get all pissed off at me. But as always, thank you for reading. And I'm trying my best to get it finished...
2012-10-30 19:07:21 All because of one F'n party: I'm Masters new Pet It has been a long long wait my fellow sexual beings... But I shall post the next part tonight, at midnight.
2012-11-01 13:24:35 All because of one F'n party: Change in the Tide Don't be shy now, leave a comment please.