Comments from Jiggajames

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-14 22:04:35 my soul mate never thought to be part 5 I really want people to comment give me new ideas something iv started 2 other stories and have another brewing in my head one of them connect to this one comment or rate
2012-08-07 04:42:51 a good accident_(1) Anon reader below this comment my writing infintile really I know I'm not the best but I try. I write the words how people actually pronounce them not how there actually written. thanks for liking the story but I'm not perfect nor is anyone else
2012-08-22 04:42:50 a good accident_(1) Just updating a chapter two is in the works but my college started so its going to take a couple weeks I thank all of the readers to taking the time to read and rate my story
2014-07-13 06:05:07 Broken_(0) Second Chapter is up.
2016-07-31 06:45:50 Staying Close to My Sister (and Mom)_(2) No offense but the use of the words "bro" and "sis" are cringy at best. I mean I guess its weird to critique an overall good story but there's no tension or build up. You describe a hot sister and a hot mom in great detail but you dont paint a great picture of their background there's no depth to it. It seems rushed which really kills the story telling part of it. Like I said I liked it but this wouldn't make the cut of a low budget soft core porno.