Comments from foxylindi
Date | Story title | Comment |
2009-10-05 14:17:51 | My Son In Law | To the reader who posted the last comment. Thank you for posting what I term, constructive criticism. I have taken note of the points you've raised and will bear them in mind for future work. Once again, thank you Foxylindi |
2010-03-30 12:12:39 | Aunt Peg's Visit | Re the first comment at how using asterisks is not a proper form of emphasis and how they distracts from the story. While it may be the case asterisks are not the correct form, they in no way detract from the story. As for the story not being real or believable, might I suggest this would be why the term fiction is used. In my opinion the author has taken the time to set the scene rather than jump straight into the sex. This also allows for the story to be continued. Full marks from me and I hope you will pen a second part soon |
2013-01-16 10:15:19 | A mother in law Dilemma Part One | Thank you for those few who have passed comment. It is much appreciated and I am pleased you have enjoyed my tale FL |