Comments from richbitch

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-19 04:13:28 rich boys love 42 first thing closetcase harveys sex ban is stay no matter who helps lol

my view is if your fit enough to serve in the army sexuality should not come into it are armys are crying out for new people also my uncle from my dads side served as a gay hidden man
2011-11-19 09:45:23 rich boys love 42 what do u think to this part
2011-11-19 10:28:35 rich boys love 42 harvey wont have been hurt if he didnt go to the store for mr
2011-11-19 10:29:40 rich boys love 42 i ment to say me ...........
2011-11-20 10:24:17 rich boys love 42 then why do i feel so guilty all the time wishing i was the one who went to the store and got stabbed instead im watching harvey sleep right now thinking who would wanna hurt a guy so pure and innocent