Comments from ClosetCase

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-02 16:07:17 richboys love 38 lol i havent been reading/commenting because my house has had no power since saturday night because of the snow storm, i will never lose interest. i havent read this part yet im at school now and using there interent so i really dont have time to read it. as soon as the electricity comes back on at my house i will get on and comment after i read this chapter. best of luck until then.
2011-11-02 16:33:59 richboys love 38 lol i got a few minutes between classes so i read it and gotta say it sounds like your kinda jealious. you even said it yourself "i told my mom not to worry about me i told her i was a big boy that can take care of my self and to have fun showing of my jail bird brother to all her friends" it sounds like everyone in your life is paying special attention to him and and you feel left behind because lets face it the last year or so of your life has been pretty exrtaordanary andnow that your reaturning to real life which is pretty boring when you think of it and to add to that your brother now having center stage has to make you feel badly. could it be that people are just trying to help him and make sure he stays "strait", no pun intended, and dosent relapse into the drug addicted criminal lyfestyle that he was in jail because.
2011-11-02 16:43:24 richboys love 38 that part of it is understand able to me, what i cant understand is how or why your letting problems with your family get inbetween you and harvey. running away from him because of this? this is now the second time you selfishly left him alone through no wrong doing of his own and you gave no reason for it. Harvey is there for you and i imagine can and will help you threw any problem you will ever have running away and making him feel isolated is not a good solution for you. you dont owe anyone in this world an explanation for any of your actions or feelings except for himand like i said making him feel like an outcast and isolated because of an unrelated problem may not be wise. Talk to him and he can help you deal with your family situation.
2011-11-02 16:49:57 richboys love 38 "(im not running way from my problem i guest dont know how to deal with them yet)"
i guess what im trying to say is harvey may be the only person help you deal with them dont block him out too.

It sounds like you have a serious predisposition towards your brother. possibly because something he said or did in the past that goes beyond just using drugs and him goin to prison.
2011-11-05 04:43:12 rich boys love 39 you guys still in Rome?