Comments from ClosetCase
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-06-04 05:28:29 | rich boys love 54 | I gotta admit having a ton of extra cash and an awesome husband would considerably reduce my "stresses." |
2012-06-07 18:36:07 | rich boys love 55 | Not cool Leon, No matter how big a part of your life Kyle WAS it should stay as memories, he is not anymore and should not be a current part of your life because you are a married man, former lovers should not be involed in your current life when you are married. |
2012-06-11 04:34:17 | richboys love 57 | Well I for one would like to point out the writings of Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, and most of all William Shakespear these people did not follow the traditional rules of writing either. Dickinson couldn't spell or use proper puncuation, Whitman too, and Shakespear used words that had no meaning or up until that point weren't even real words. Im just glad these people didn't recieve what you would call a 3rd grade level education. A writing style should be unique to an individual and have no rules, otherwise it is something someone else can do. Leons style is Leons style and thats what makes it unique and enjoyable to read. Thats why reading stereo instructions or properly formated texts or papers is so boring it has no style or uniqueness to it and that is the problem with education and teachers all teaching the same material and discouraging people to have fun with their writings. |
2012-06-18 04:41:05 | rich boys love 58 | whom ever the hell is writing that Leon is not the father of this child is insane. Yes Harvey is the biological father but this child will have two fathers.. You people are crazy... this child will have Two loving parents and that is all that matters. the sex of those two people is irrelevant as long as they both love and care for thier child! |
2012-06-18 04:43:26 | rich boys love 58 | With that being said.... you too need to stop fighting and being on the brink of divorce on a regular basis! |