Comments from OdwickGrimm

Date Story title Comment
2012-02-07 16:52:46 The Business - Chapter Six Thank you so much. After seeing soo many negative ratings I was becoming glum. I know it is because it lacks sex, but they can go fuck themselves. Anywhoo, thanks again. Working on chapter seven. :]
2012-02-08 09:07:23 The Business_(0) Thank you, Leighdway. I appreciate it!
2012-02-09 16:57:23 The Business - Chapter Seven Yeah, that is a reasonable remark.. No critique, no explanation. Why should your comment even be considered, hm? Enjoy your sappy life, twit.

Btw, sentences begin with a capital letter and end with some sort of punctuation. And it is 'fucking sucked' not 'fuck sucked'. K?