Comments from lagrenouille

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-25 03:11:14 my friend, you are doing awesome, as several others have said, you need not worry so much about feedback, and opinion, whats said will be said whether you ask for it or not, use the space to write, as you are a fantastic writer. there are a couple things you miss on a regular basis, Im not sure if you use manuscripts or not, but may I suggest writing out a rough draft by hand and having someone (maybe your girlfriend or your brother) edit the stories for you, there are words missing in spots, all minor problems, all in all you are, as I said a very talented writer, keep up the good work
2011-06-29 18:19:03 at this point, I have to agree with several of the other commenters, you are one of the better writers on this site, keep up the good work my friend
2011-07-03 03:09:49 Incestrous thoughts come true! good story, needs a grammar check, and has a couple words missing here and there, but all in all this was great
2015-11-12 21:46:00 Candid Camera wow, not much to this story, but, wow... and then there's the unexpected ending, holy crap, what a way to twist things around
2012-10-21 06:18:48 A Game Of Inches - Conclusion - Epilogue this is no sex story, it's a story of happiness, passion, love and loss, and one of the finest examples of writing I have ever seen on this site, I may not have been happy with the chapter before this one, but overall the story was touching, this is a story worthy of mens tears, well writ my friend
no other writer on this site has made me cry, let alone done it twice, the first thing in this story that caused me to become emotional was the death of Courtney... due to the circumstances of her death I couldn't help but be reminded of my grandmother, the second was the loss Alexis felt in the epilogue, as I've already said once, this was a well crafted story. I eagerly await your next piece