Comments from Stark2486

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-25 17:17:43 You started out with good stories, you've completely ruined the whole theme of the stories. A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. NASTY!!!!
2011-10-25 17:19:13 The last 1 (sibling rivalry) That's not cool
2011-11-04 14:01:18 Kristina Is Pimped Out By The Tire Repairman That is a brilliant story with the potential to lead to so much more, please could you? I really like that genre
2011-11-29 15:08:04 3 Evil Sisters-Part 1 Hi, just read your story
. Liked it a lot also you've left yourself an openning for quite a long run. Hope to see some more soon
2011-12-18 14:12:32 3 Evil Sisters-Part 2 Good storeys, but for crying out loud NOT SO LONG between storeys. Max could do with getting even harsher in his revenge. It could be really nasty for Riley in the next one, or even harsher with revenge on all 3 in the one after that. But like I said still good storeys, and a good theme