Comments from sirmatt

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-02 17:41:09 Good Neighbours Ch. 2 This is a great story, thanks for writing it. I hope to read more when you add.
2015-05-08 15:06:43 Barbie's Bestial Birthday - Part 1: The Cousin Thanks for this tale of incestuous lust. I look forward to reading the next installment!
2015-05-07 18:19:05 Flight Delayed Thank you for that arousing story. I look forward to Betsy's birthday party. Her dance classes will be giving her some tempting thoughts as well.
2015-05-06 15:55:23 Losing My Love Thank you for that wonderful story of two young girls coming of age and breaking all beariers! THe story flowed luxuriously to its sad ending, which was a work of art in itself.
2015-05-09 15:17:16 Jojo’s Teen Lesbo Incest Adventures 1 Thank you for that hot tale of incest lesbian porn. I'm glad that you like to write about the subject , because it just felt so good to read. You are becoming one of my favorite porn writers. Back to Jojo's adventures I go!