2011-08-06 17:16:15 |
Our Story Ch.3
Although I agree that drugs were not the answer, it happened all the same. I can look back and see how they only did more harm. The drug usage at that point in my life was simply me being self-destructive, I can acknowledge that now. As far as sleeping with her husband... EWW! He was greasy, gross, and nerdy. No thanks! That would of only been punishment to me. But karma eventually bit her in the ass. He cheated on her with a long time friend of theirs.... and that was after he chose not to believe my husband when he told him of the affair. |
2011-08-09 12:56:46 |
The Amazing Church Girl
Don't you dare describe your character with 'blond wavy hair and blue eyes'..... Jus sayin ;) Proud of ya babe! Can't wait for your next story! |
2011-08-09 13:01:26 |
The Amazing Church Girl
Don't you dare describe your character with 'blond wavy hair and blue eyes'..... Jus sayin ;) Proud of ya babe! Can't wait for your next story! |
2011-08-10 10:48:06 |
Our Story Ch.5
Yes he's my husband (freakyd). And yes this all took place in the past. Like nearly 3yrs ago. |
2011-08-14 20:06:39 |
Our Story Ch.7 *Final Chapter*
If this had all recently taken place I would agree with you, but considering it's been nearly 3yrs I'd say therapy is pointless. I was for sure in need of some type of counseling at that point in my life. But somehow even without dishing out thousands of dollars I still managed find my big girl panties grow the fuck up. I owned up for my actions. I quit the drugs. We've both stayed faithful since we got back together. It took a very long time and many deep conversations, but I can safely say our marriage is more stable now than it's ever been. So no, I don't think we need therapy. |